Terms and Condition of Use
1. The Press and Information Office of the Federal Government (hereinafter BPA) has acquired rights of use from the authors of the digital images, unless otherwise stated, for example in the accompanying image information.
2. The image information and the restrictions on use and application contained therein must be observed. The user is liable for any damage resulting from non-compliance. In this respect, the user shall indemnify the BPA against third party claims.
3. The images can be downloaded free of charge and used in the context of current editorial coverage of the G7 Summit for:
- Publications in print media
- Film and television
- Online and multimedia publications
Any use beyond this, in particular for commercial or advertising purposes, is not permitted.
4. Subject to copyright restrictions, any editing, redesign or manipulation of the digital images that goes beyond colour corrections, cropping and reduction is prohibited and only permitted with the prior written consent of the BPA. Likewise, the digital image must not be reproduced in a context that distorts its meaning. Any distortion of the copyrighted work in image, word or any other form, e.g. by re-photographing, falsification by drawing, photocomposition or electronic means is not permitted. The user is responsible for the captioning.
5. The journalistic principles of the German Press Council (Press Code) must be observed.
6. Consent to the use of the photographic material does not include the assurance that the persons depicted, the owners of the rights to works depicted or the owners of trademark rights and other property rights have given their consent to public reproduction. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain the necessary consent of third parties in individual cases. The user shall observe the personal rights, copyrights, trademark rights and other protective rights of any persons, works, objects and signs depicted. In the event of the disregard of such rights, the user alone shall be liable for damages to any third parties.
7. The BPA reserves the right to investigate any suspicion of misuse or material breach of usage and may request information from users on the specific scope of usage for this purpose.
8. If the digital image is used, the source “Federal Government/name of photographer” must be indicated. This also applies to electronic publications (e.g. for websites and also for publications in low resolution).
For use in social media/services such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, the file may only be used if it is displayed in a low resolution (72 dpi), a width of max. 1200 pixels and with a watermark (bottom right of the image: ©Federal Government/name of photographer).
A specimen copy/link for every publication in print must be sent to the BPA without being requested and free of charge: Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, Department 403 (Bundesbildstelle), 11044 Berlin, or as a PDF to Bilderdienst(at)bpa.bund.de