The Think7 (T7) group is made up of leading think-tanks from the G7 countries. These are institutions in which experts from different fields gather to jointly contribute their knowledge to public debate. In collaboration with civil society and the business community, the Think7 develops science-based solutions for environmentally sound, sustainable and socially just change.
Task of the Think7
In five working groups, the Think7 develops recommendations for action directed at political decision-makers in support of the negotiations among the G7 members. The results were presented at the G7 Think7 summit.
Members of the Think7
Leading experts from G7 research institutes and think-tanks participate in the Think7 working groups. See here for a list of participating institutions in 2022.
During the German G7 Presidency in 2022, the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) and the German Development Institute (DIE) are chairing the Think7.
Think7 priorities
The Think7 group addresses both acute challenges, such as vaccine distribution and financial aid, and long-term issues in the following five areas:
- Climate and environment
- Social cohesion, economic transformation and open societies
- International cooperation for the global common good
- Sustainable economic recovery
- Global health
The groups’ priorities were identified at the Think7 inaugural conference on 24-26 January 2022. The resulting policy recommendations were also discussed with representatives of the Think20 (think-tanks of the G20 countries) at the Global Solutions Summit on 28-29 March 2022.
The results were presented at the Think7 Summit on 23/24 May 2022. Subsequently, a Think7 delegation handed over its recommendations to the G7 Presidency at a reception held at the Chancellery on 25 May.