The Science7 group (S7) is the G7 platform for dialogue with the international science academies. It develops science-based statements relating to issues on the summit agenda.

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is chairing the S7 during the German Summit Presidency.
Photo: Federal Government
Task of the Science7
The S7 deals with topics from the summit agenda that it has selected and develops joint positions on them. These will be published before the summit and handed over to the respective G7 Presidency at a science conference.
Members of the Science7
The members of the S7 are the leading science academies in the G7 countries:
- National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Germany
- The Royal Society of Canada, Canada
- The Royal Society, UK
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
- Science Council of Japan, Japan
- Académie des Sciences, France
- The National Academy of Sciences, USA
The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is chairing the S7 during the German Summit Presidency. It is coordinating the S7 dialogue process on behalf of the Federal Government.
Science7 priorities
The priorities of the S7 chair this year are: the impact of climate change on polar regions and oceans, concrete measures for decarbonisation, the development of antiviral drugs for pandemic preparedness, and global health challenges posed by zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance.
The S7 summit took place in Berlin from 31 May to 1 June 2022 in the run-up to the G7 Summit.